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Organic | Chicken & Eggs

certified organic beef cattle grazing on pasture in Lambton County
Pastured, Free-Range Chicken


Just like our beef, our meat chickens and laying hens are pastured and fed only the organic grain that we grow right on our farm and grind daily to ensure it's freshness.


Our meat chickens are kept in a pen in the barn for their first few weeks under a heat lamp, the rest of their life is spent outside in portable pens that we move to new pasture daily. They enjoy fresh air, sunshine, grass, clover, alfalfa and any bugs they can find in addition to organic grain.


Our chicken is processed at a local, family operated, provincially inspected abattoir; this reduces stress on our animals as they are never subjected to long, cross-country hauls to large facilities. It also supports another small, community business.


** Please note, we only raise a small number of chickens each summer and sell most through pre-orders. Chicken is currently sold out. **


Pastured, Free-Range Eggs


Our hens lay beautiful, delicious, brown eggs. They live in an enclosed wagon that is moved to fresh pasture weekly and are free to come and go outside as they please. They have roosts to sleep on and comfortable laying boxes for their eggs that we hand-gather each day.


Pastured eggs are much higher in vitamins, omega 3s and beta carotene while being lower in both cholesterol and saturated fat.


**Unfortunately, due to high demand, we are unable to take new eggs customers.**

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