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Organic | Lambton County Beef

certified organic beef cattle grazing on pasture in Lambton County
Our Beef


Pastured/Grass Fed

Humanely Treated


Grass Fed Beef


At Liveoak we believe that pasture-raised, humanely treated, organic beef is more nutritious and tastes better. Our cattle are all born at Liveoak Farm in Lambton County and everything they eat is grown right here on the farm; all 200 acres are certified organic, so no harmful chemicals are ever used and no GMO's are ever grown. Momma cows nurse their calves until they naturally wean themselves. The herd spends their days roaming freely in the fresh air and sunshine or lazing around in cozy, straw-bedded pens when the weather turns.


We're not trying to compete with weekly grocery store specials but we are hoping to make organic beef a choice you and your family can afford if you value good, honest food. Our beef is of the highest quality from a taste and ethical standpoint. Raised on a farm that supports all things environmentally sound, we hope you try our product, we're sure you'll taste a difference.


Our meat is all processed at a local, family operated, provincially inspected abattoir; this reduces the stress on our animals as they are never subjected to long, cross-country hauls to large facilities. This also supports another small, community business.

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